[ARCHIVED] FAQ: Technical
Who should I contact if I have a question about technical implementation?
Please contact the Jisc support desk in the first instance at [email protected] who will cascade your query to our team dedicated to helping ORCID consortium members.
Once I place my order what are the next steps?
Before production credentials can be sent institutions will need to Register a client application: Production Member API – Trusted Party with the required information. Before production credentials are issued, Institutions will be asked to provide a demo of their integration. Please check ORCID’s minimum requirements for integration and best practices before scheduling a demo. ORCID will process the request right away. Note: This process is not fully automated – there may be a delay before ORCID respond to you with credentials or a demo request after you complete this form. The work-flow is described below. At any point during the following process, Institutions building their own integration start work on the ORCID sandbox (see registering for sandbox credentials).
- Institution places order via the Jisc Collections’ catalogue pages .
- Institution provides additional confirmation of ORCID’s use of their name and logos as outlined on the following BOS survey link.
- Institutions who have built their own integration with ORCID set up a demo with ORCID team. It should be noted that additional contingency time should be allowed in the case of adjustments or bug fixes being required. NB this step can be skipped for institutions using a vendor provided system that is listed in the ORCID enabled systems list and are marked with service provider certificate status.
- Institutions apply for production credentials from ORCID.
- ORCID returns production credentials to be used in the Institution’s integration.
- Institution advises ORCID when they officially launch the integration. ORCID can assist with publicity if required.
If you are connecting a vendor system, we recommend our blog post on connecting vendor systems for an overview.
How do I get set up to carry out testing before going live with the ORCID integration?
Our blog post on the ORCID Sandbox provides an overview and pulls together all the information from ORCID about the Sandbox. You are welcome to request an overview from our team by arranging a support meeting, or send questions to our helpdesk. The ORCID API users group will also provide support.
How do I connect vendor systems?
Check out our guide on connecting vendor systems to the ORCID API.
How do I find members of my organisation who are already signed up to ORCID?
Institutions often would like to find out the researchers from their institution who already possess an ORCID ID. One of the reasons is to return ORCID IDs with HESA returns. Another reason is to target advocacy efforts. You can watch a recording made at one of our events where colleagues from UK universities discuss their information needs. Those institutions who are inviting their staff to connect to ORCID through systems like a CRIS would like to find out about the staff members who have an ORCID ID but have not yet made the connection through the CRIS.
This question is one of the top features requested from ORCID in their ideas forum. ORCID provides an answer in their knowledge base with two main methods to help you get an answer. First, there are suggestions for how to search the API, and second, ORCID provides a form to request the total number of users registered with an institutional email address. Member institutions also receive monthly statistics and reports, which are accessed through the links in the monthly newsletter from ORCID. See next FAQ: What reports does ORCID provide on statistics of users from my institution signed up to ORCID? You are welcome to contact the helpdesk for assistance in learning how to search the API.
What reports does ORCID provide on statistics of users from my institution signed up to ORCID?
ORCID made the following announcement in their newsletter of October 2016: “New feature for premium integrators — email stats! We are pleased to announce a new feature in your premium member reports: email stats! Beginning this month, premium members with live integrations will find these new report sections:
- Records registered to your email domain(s) Count of unique ORCID iDs that include an address within your institution’s email domain(s)
- Records registered to your email domain(s) AND associated with your client IDCount of unique ORCID iDs which include an address within your institution’s email domain(s) and which include your institution as a Trusted Party (i.e. records for which your institution has a valid access token)
How do we determine your email domains? We don’t have a crystal ball that lets us know about all members’ email domains, so we’re starting out by including domains that match the website URL that we have on file for your organization. For example, if your website URL is www.universitycollege.edu, we’re searching emails such as [email protected]. If we don’t have a website URL on file, you’ll see “No email domains provided” in the email count section. If we didn’t get your email domain quite right, or if you’d like to add additional domains, let us know at [email protected].” For those that do not have a system integration with ORCID, statistics were added to the ORCID monthly report from December 2016. Premium members without live integrations receive a truncated premium member report which includes:
- Records registered to your email domain(s) Count of unique ORCID iDs that include an address within your institution’s email domain(s)
- A link to the monthly general premium report, which reports analytics for all active member integrations
- Information on how to get started with building and testing your integration
For more details, see the ORCID documentation reading your premium member report. If you have any questions regarding the recipients of the monthly newsletter, with links to your reports, at your institution, or require any further help, please do get in touch with the UK helpdesk [email protected]
Where do I find my institution’s credentials?
The credentials will be stored in configuration files for your system. They are issued after filling out a form and the client ID is sent by email, with the password sent separately. If you cannot locate the original credentials issued, either through the original email or by checking your system config files (please check with the system vendor where these are located and how they are managed), then please email [email protected] with ORCID credentials in the title, and our team will work with ORCID to check if credentials have been issued in the past. If you are a technical or main contact, the credentials can be resent to you if required, or reset if that is more appropriate. At present, there is no admin system to allow you to check credentials issued to an institutions (e.g. using self service). Please do get in touch with the Jisc helpdesk [email protected] if you need help with credentials, as we are aware that staff and systems change, and information is not always recorded or passed on over time. We will work with ORCID to get you the information you need. Please note credentials are issued directly by ORCID and not by Jisc support staff. See also: how to connect vendor systems FAQ above.
What export formats can I get from ORCID? Is RIS supported for citations?
Links from ORCID:
- Citation format
- Record Export format
- Add support for RIS formatted citations (in ideas forum) – Do vote for this idea by following this third link if you would like to see the feature implemented.
Where do ORCID IDs appear in Crossref metadata?
The Crossref documentation describes how ORCID IDs appear in person metadata. In particular note that it is possible to use an attribute to indicate that the ORCID ID has been authenticated. See also CrossRef contributor page. <person_name sequence="first" contributor_role="author"> <given_name>Minerva</given_name> <surname>Nipperson</surname> <ORCID authenticated="true">https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4011-3590</ORCID> </person_name>
What can you tell me about ORCID IDs in Dublin Core metadata?
Some links are available that refer to the history of discussion of ORCID IDs in Dublin Core metadata Useful Links Dublin Core.
What can you tell me about the move to 2.0 API (2017-2018)?
Check out the dedicated page Guidance on moving to 2.0 API.