#BakeItOrFakeIt Elevenses
The Jisc UK ORCID Consortium is 5 years old this year. Each year we bring our members together in our annual event to share experiences, updates and knowledge across our community of practice. Originally, we had planned a celebration, involving a big cake (not big enough to have someone jump out of, although this was suggested at one point!).
Globally, circumstances changed, and so we moved online – you can read about our events in the last months in a separate blog post. We still wanted to celebrate and have cake, so the #bakeitorfakeit challenge was born. We were aware that the lockdown was bringing its own challenges around sourcing the ingredients for actual baking (try keeping 2 mix-mad kids occupied on a restricted weekly shop). To allow for challenges such as limited or impossible-to-find ingedients like flour or icing sugar or food colouring, we asked people for creations on the theme of the ORCID logo that could be:
- Baked: A traditional cake or baked goods
- Faked: A cake-like creation that could b crafted – like a decorated tin or some art
- Teched: A Virtual Reality or Artificial Reality invention, or perhaps web design
Later on we also released a colouring sheet which is still available
We then held an elevenses social zoom on 6th August 2020 to “consume our cakes and chat about the 5 years and the annual event”
Jisc UK ORCID Consortium was one of the very first national ORCID consortia when it was set up, 5 years ago. Since then we have grown from 45 members to nearly 100 and helped to shape the scholarly landscape across the UK and around the globe. We’ve written all about that journey in an accompanying piece.
Here are the amazing creations from #bakeitorrfakeit:
Flipping Brilliant…

A Cup-Winning 3 in 1 (incorporating all of bake, fake and tech) Read more about the Crochet
A fruity number
Messy Berry
The art of identity
Animal friendly

A savoury take
Allergy friendly

Effective use of swag
Teaching moment
All in all it was a great event, and a great way for our community to help us reflect on the last 5 years as we prepare for the next