Resources from webinar and follow-up
Thank you to all those who attended the webinar on the 7th November 2016. The recording of the webinar is now available, and the slides can be downloaded from the UK ORCID support events page.
In addition to the recording and the slides, we are sharing some of the questions from the sessions and the answers in this blog post. There are more FAQs on the website. If your question was not answered during the webinar session or in the questions below, please do get in touch with the helpdesk [email protected]
Here’s the list of questions in this blog post for ease of reference:
- How can someone get actively involved in the Community Forum?
- How can we get a list of names/IDs for people who have signed up from our institution (ie with an institutional email address)?
- Can we do searches using the API even if we haven’t yet sorted out an integration?
- With the Display badge, what is best practice for repositories who are recording external collaborator IDs, where that individual would have no interaction with our systems in order to authenticate the ID?
- Question about ORCID integrations (auto-update and DataCite)
- Will symplectic populate orcid profiles, or do you need to ‘claim’ publications in orcid separately?
- Any plans to import from ORCID to a host system, e.g. PURE?
- Any more news on an integration for eprints users?
How can someone get actively involved in the Community Forum?
The forum has been formed by invitation-only, but anyone interested should contact the helpdesk [email protected] and the contact will be passed on to Balviar Notay for consideration (who will balance the community forum to be representative across system types used, institutional roles, institution types etc). If you have any comments about the information and activities provided by the support service or would like to make suggestions for improvement, you are welcome to contact the support desk with your feedback.
How can we get a list of names/IDs for people who have signed up from our institution (ie with an institutional email address)?
The recommended way to record the institution’s members and their IDs is to build an integration that allows the users to sign in to ORCID (authenticate) and record the ORCID ID returned in the transaction. See:
If you do not have an integration, you may find some of your institution’s ORCID users by searching the API. There is more information on this on ORCID’s website:
Note that there are some limits to searching, for example if the user has kept their email address private (it is created private by default) then it will not appear in search results. If the researcher has not set their affiliation to your institution and made it public, the search by RINGGOLD ID will not identify them. See Also the next question on doing searches without an integration.
Can we request the reports from ORCID?
You are also able to request a report from ORCID who will carry out a search on your behalf. There is a form to request the report at the above ORCID website link.
Additionally, in the October 2016 newsletter, ORCID announced that new email stats are being added to the monthly report for premium members. For now this feature is available only to those with an integration. See
Please contact [email protected] if you wish to find out who receives the ORCID newsletter in your institutions or if you would like to be added as a recipient or if you have any further questions on this topic.
Do we need to let you know the different email addresses associated with our institution to get the numbers of ORCIDs each month?
ORCID are starting out by including domains that match the website URL that is on file for your organization. For example, if your website URL is, emails such as [email protected] are being searched. If there is no website URL on file, you’ll see “No email domains provided” in the email count section.
If your email domain isn’t quite right, or if you’d like to add additional domains, please contact the helpdesk and your request will be passed on to ORCID.
See also: FAQ
Can we do searches using the API even if we haven’t yet sorted out an integration?
Searches against the API can be carried out against the public or member API.
Public API searches
These are available to anyone through their individual ORCID record (do not require membership) “Anyone with an ORCID record and public API credentials can search the production registry“ See:
Doing a search requires obtaining credentials then making an http request to present those credentials, followed by an http request containing your search query. Credentials to search against the public API can be obtained through developer tools as explained in the link above. The query syntax, process and API URLs for making search requests are explained in the ORCID tutorial on searching the API
You will need to exchange the credentials for a read-public access token before running the search.
In brief you will need to make http requests (e.g. using cURL) to:
- Obtain a search token from
- Run a search against (You will need to add a version number to the url and the query)
Details and examples are found in ORCID’s documentation.
Member API searches
Member API searches require member credentials. Organisational member credentials are only issued by ORCID to members who have demoed an integration or those who are using a vendor product.
Note that unless you have built an integration through which you request the researchers to designate your institution as a trusted party, if the researcher’s email and affiliation information is marked as ‘limited only’ then the results returned to you through the member API would not be any different to those returned through the public API.
The query syntax, process and API URLs for making search requests against the member API are explained in the ORCID tutorial on searching the API
For further URLs and comparison of the public and member API, see slide no 5 from the tutorial available as the 3rd set of slides from event page
With the Display badge, what is best practice for repositories who are recording external collaborator IDs, where that individual would have no interaction with our systems in order to authenticate the ID?
A reply will follow from ORCID and will be updated here.
Question about ORCID integrations (auto-update and DataCite)
“we are currently authorising ORCIDs via Symplectic Elements, which is also connected to our repository (DSpace). We were hoping to be able to benefit from automated pre-population of repository works into ORCID profiles via DataCite (through ORCID auto-update). The repository submits ORCID identifiers (coming from Symplectic) to DataCite but currently none of these works are being automatically pre-populated into ORCID profiles. Do we need to implement additional ORCID integration at the repository end? (Note: The user has already authorised DataCite)”
DataCite have advised:
There is currently a problem with the DataCite auto-update service and we are working on a fix, which in the end will also provide additional functionality (enable auto-update for users who haven’t signed up with DataCite yet). We hope to have this fix deployed before the end of the year and will notify users when this is ready.
Will symplectic populate orcid profiles, or do you need to ‘claim’ publications in orcid separately?
This blog post from Josh Brown of ORCID outlines some of the interactions between ORCID and CRIS systems
With respect to Symplectic, Josh explains “When a researcher logs into their Symplectic profile, they have an option to connect their ORCID iD. They can log in to their ORCID record and connect it to Symplectic. Once the connection is made, Symplectic will periodically check the researcher’s ORCID record for new persistent identifiers, such as DOIs, and use those to query other sources of scholarly information, such as Scopus, Web of Science, or Crossref, helping to eliminate duplicates reduce the burden on researchers and ensure that there is complete data available to the institution. This video from our San Francisco outreach meeting shows how it works.”
In order to move information from Symplectic to ORCID, this currently needs to be done indirectly and involving the user. Publications can be exported from Symplectic in bibtex format, and then uploaded to ORCID.
See: Instructions from ORCID – refers to GoogleScholar as the source of the bibtex but the import to ORCID section works the same for other sources.
This blog post from The Open University is also generally useful in explaining the different ways to keep ORCID records updated
Any plans to import from ORCID to a host system, e.g. PURE?
This blog post from Josh Brown of ORCID outlines some of the interactions between ORCID and CRIS systems
With respect to PURE specifically, information can be exchanged in one direction from PURE to ORCID under the control of the user. As Josh explains:
“For example, from its February 2016 release, Pure users can link their Pure profiles with their ORCID iD. Pure will then automatically populate and update the user’s ORCID record with publication data from Pure. The export from Pure includes other identifiers (such as the researcher’s Scopus Author ID or Researcher ID) and the organisational affiliation. This export is under the control of the user, and is not enabled by default. You can see more on the Pure/ORCID integration in this video, created for our February 2016 Outreach meeting.”
For premium members, ORCID has the ability to push the notifications to a CRIS when a user’s record is updated, but it depends on the CRIS system to build in the functionality to create the request for notification (called a webhook), and responding to the notifications by checking updates and importing them if needed.
Any more news on an integration for Eprints users?
EPrints was discussed in both the workshops we recently held and several discussions during the Hack Day helped EPrints users to clarify what was needed to move this forward. Owen Stephens will do some work towards preparing a specification for the work needed. When this specification is ready then we will need to determine how much of this work is currently already in hand and what else needs to be done. The Eprints wiki records some of the outcomes of the discussions amongst users on recording ORCIDs, exporting ORCIDs and other ORCID-related matters and activities. The Eprints User Group and Hack Day will be an opportunity to answer these questions and at least one member of the UK ORCID support team will attend. Booking is now open for the EPrints User Group at University of Bath on Monday 19th December 2016.
Booking is also open for the Hack Day on Tuesday 20th December 2016:
Contact Lizz Jennings [email protected] for more information on these two events. Also see:!forum/eprints-uk-user-group